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전공 : 인공지능융합학과

학위 : 박사

이메일 : /

연구실 : 성호관 241

연구실번호 : 2439

연구실관심분야 : Machine Intelligence/Accessibility/EyeGazeTracking

홈페이지 :

  • 2015.02 연세대학교대학원 박사
Working experience
  • 2021.03 ~ 현재 아주대학교 교수
  • 2020.08 ~ 2021. 2 순천향대학교 교수
  • 2014.01 ~ 2020.07 삼성전자 삼성리서치 AI센터
  • 2008.09 ~ 2013.12 삼성전자 DMC연구소
  • 2000.01 ~ 2009.02 연세대학교 자동화기술 연구소
  • 1996.07 ~ 1999.12 삼성전자 통신연구소
  • He is Ph D. in Electrical & Electronic Engineering and his research topic was computer vision and filtering theory (especially Visual Tracking) and he has experiences to control object tracking.
  • He worked at department of telecommunication, especially, as a radio frequency synthesizer researcher from 1996 to the end of 1999 located in SAIT(Samsung Advanced Institute and Technology), Samsung Electronics, Ki-heung, Kyunggi-Do, Korea . From Mar. 2000 to Feb. 2008, He studied as a candidate for MS course and Ph.D in computer vision and filtering theory at Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, respectively.
  • He started to work at 2008 as a Sr Research Engineers in Accessibility Project Leader in DMC R&D Center, especially, computer vision for Telecommunication application like Eyemouse, Sign Language Animator, and various applications for disabled people. For a representitive application, he made eyeCAN+, called a eyemouse ( controlled by eyes in 2014. As a result of this result, he received an award from one of the famous newspaper called Hankyoreh in 2015. During this periods, he had focused on the strategy of accessibility for his company, and spread his research results to near division(wireless, video, and etc) of his company.
  • He still has been working for DMC R&D Center as a research engineer interested in computer vision.
  • His recent interests is Accessibility, Visual Odometry, SLAM and Robot.
  • He was a Research Engineer at AI Center, Samsung Research, Samsung Electronics, and now a professor at Ajou university.He is still on Research about Accessibility, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision.
  • 2020.3 ~ 한국스마트미디어학회 편집위원
  • 2019.9./2021.3 스마트미디어학회 Best Paper 수상
  • 2016. 4. YTN Science 기발한 실험실 :
  • 2015.5 한겨레 Human Awards 우수상 수상
  • 2014.11 TheVerge :
  • 2000.3~ 한국전기학회 /제어자동화시스템 학회 정회원
Research activity (Selected papers)
  • 연구활동(주요논문)
  • [논문] 박정훈, 임강빈, 실시간 시선 추적기반 스마트 의료기기 고찰 , 스마트미디어저널 , Vol.10 , No.1 , pp.9 -15 (Mar, 2021)
  • 국내학술논문지
  • [논문] 박정훈, 임강빈, 실시간 시선 추적기반 스마트 의료기기 고찰 , 스마트미디어저널 , Vol.10 , No.1 , pp.9 -15 (Mar, 2021)
  • 국내학술발표
  • [학술회의] 최정인, 박정훈, 무인 주차 관제 시스템을 위한 멀티모달 차량 식별모델 , 한국스마트미디어학회 (May, 2021)