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Remodelling of femoral head deformity after hip reconstructive surgery in patients with cerebral palsy
BONE & JOINT JOURNAL 권순선, 민재정, 박문석, 성기혁, 이경민, 정진엽
Linear mixed modeling on the effects of varus knee surgery on the ankle joint weight-bearing axis
Classification of histogram-valued data with supporthistogram machines
JOURNAL OF APPLIED STATISTICS 권순선, 강일석, 박창이, 박철우, 윤영주, 최호식
Kinematic instability in the joints of flatfoot subjects during walking: A biplanar fluoroscopic study
JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS 권순선, Cong-Bo Phan, 이경민, 구승범
Evaluation of factors affecting externaltibial torsion in patients with cerebral palsy
BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS 권순선, 김규태, 민재정, 박문석, 성기혁, 이경민, 최영
What happens to the patella height in patients with cerebral palsy as they age
JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC ORTHOPAEDICS-PART B 권순선, 민재정, 박문석, 성기혁, 이경민, 이한상, 정진엽
Breech Presentation in Twins as a Risk Factorfor Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip
JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC ORTHOPAEDICS 권순선, 김성빈, 민재정, 박지윤, 오경준, 오은지, 정영화, 최창원, 박문석
New approach of prediction of recurrence in thyroid cancer patients using machine learning
MEDICINE 김수영, 권순선, 신현정, 김석모, 김영일, 김희준, 박정수, 이용상, 장호진, 장항석
Effect of Screw Configuration on the Rate of Correctionfor Guided Growth Using the Tension-band Plate
JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC ORTHOPAEDICS 김낙철, 권순선, 박문석, 성기혁, 정주영, 최국진, 한희수
Change of limb alignment in Korean children and adolescents with idiopathic genu valgum
MEDICINE 문서호, 권순선, 김낙철, 박문석, 성기혁