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학과 공지사항
[AI Department] Information on interview schedule for early admission 1st (foreigner 2nd) in the late 2022
  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 작성일 2022-06-24 15:30:17
  • 조회수 403

[AI Department] Interview schedule information

The interview will be conducted non-face-to-face (ZOOM), and please refer to the information below and attend the interview without delay. (*If you do not attend, please contact the department in advance.))

  • Date: June 27, 2022 (Monday)
  • Time: From 2 p.m~

  • Join Zoom Conference Link
        ▶ https://ajou-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/84455872922?pwd=SlZ0M3gweEVKaCtpNk5salo3T01yZz09

  • Meeting ID: 844 5587 2922
  • Password: Refer to individual guided mail

※ Interview order 
No Examination number Name
1 2112015 김*현
2 2111033 이*준
3 21B7001 ISHAQ *
4 21B2004 QU *
5 21B1009 WEI *
6 21B1010 CHHETRI *
7 21B1011 YULDASHEV *
8 21F1003 조*연
9 202024784 김*훈

※ Precautions
- Please access via Zoom link by 1:55 p.m. (★Set with your name★)
- All applicants will be in the waiting room.
- The interview will be conducted in the waiting room one by one in the order of the test number. (Please wait in the waiting room and the entrance will be automatic. Please note that admission may be delayed if the interview is prolonged.)
- After your interview, please press "go out(나가기)" button.


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