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[2024.05.13(월)] Artificial Intelligence & AI Convergence Network Colloquium 개최 안내
  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 작성일 2024-05-09 15:22:26
  • 조회수 261

Artificial Intelligence & AI Convergence Network 사업단에서 공동으로 

개최하는 Colloquium을 5월 13일(월) 오후 3시에 개최하오니 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.

▶ When : 2024년 5월 13일(월) 오후 3시
▶ Where : 팔달관 407호 
▶ Speaker : Dr. Muhammad Salahuddin(홍익대학교 박사후연구원)

▶ Title : Towards Efficient communication and Microservices centric in network computations for next generation autonomous vehicular networks

▶ Abstract : As we enter the era of autonomous driving, vehicular communication remains one of the most crucial focal points for both governments and industries due to its foundational role in establishing future Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSs). This talk will cover three primary areas. First, I'll discuss conventional autonomous vehicular communications like vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V), vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I), and vehicle-to-everything (V2X). I'll explore the vehicular environment and the inherent challenges that can hinder effective communication. Next, I will delve into next-generation autonomous vehicular applications, their development architecture, computational, and communication requirements. I'll highlight how traditional remote cloud offloading and RSU-assisted edge offloading fail to deliver timely computations results to these applications in dynamic vehicular environments. To address these challenges, I'll introduce our CFEC (Consortium of mobile vehicular Fog, Edge, and Cloud) framework. This microservices-centric in-network computing solution enables proximate computations with ultra-low latency, meeting the stringent requirements of latency-sensitive and compute-intensive vehicular applications.Finally, I will discuss our recent collaborative project with Turkey titled "Research on In-Aerial Network Computing (IANC)-based Federated Learning Framework.

▶ Bio : Muhammad Salahuddin is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at BCN Lab, in the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering at Hongik University, South Korea. He earned his Ph.D. in Electronics and Computer Engineering from the same institution's BCN Lab, Sejong Campus, in August 2023, under the supervision of Prof. Byung-Seo Kim. He also holds an M.S. in Computer Science, specializing in Wireless Communication, from COMSATS University, Islamabad, Pakistan (2016), and a B.E. in Information Technology, specializing in Software Engineering, from the University of Engineering and Technology Taxila, Pakistan(2013). His research interests encompass various areas, including distributed networking and computing, edge/fog/cloud computing, network protocol design, wireless/mobile communication, networking and computing for the metaverse, future vertical communication networks, information-centric networking, microservices distribution and networking, the Internet of Things (IoT), wireless sensor networks, and beyond 6th-generation communication. Before pursuing his Ph.D., he worked as a software engineer at leading IT companies and has over five years of experience in software and application development using modern technologies such as C/C++ and Java (Android application development).

▶ Host : 소프트웨어학과 고영배 교수(youngko@ajou.ac.kr)

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