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AI창업세미나(4/28) 안내
  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 작성일 2022-04-25 12:59:13
  • 조회수 456

대학원 인공지능학과 및 4단계 BK21 Ajou DREAM 인공지능 혁신인재양성사업단에서는
AI창업세미나를  4월 28일(목) 오후 3시, 팔달관 407호에서 개최하고자합니다.
관심있으시면 많은 참석 부탁드립니다.

* 주제:  "인공지능기반 소프트웨어 의료기기의 개발 및 임상적용"
* 일시: 2022년 4월 28일(목) 오후 3시
* 강연자: 정규환(뷰노 CTO)
* 장소: 팔달관 407호(가능한 대면 참석부탁드립니다.) 
  Zoom 회의 참가 시
  회의 ID: 893 0076 5830
  암호: aistartup

* Abstract
The past few years have witnessed advances in deep learning for analyzing various forms of unstructured data, including images, speech, and texts that reach or even surpass human-level performance. With its flexibility and extensibility combined with abundant data and computational power provided by GPGPU, deep learning(DL) and artificial intelligence(AI) has brought many breakthroughs in areas that have been considered impossible or hard to achieve. Among them, medical data analysis has been one of the most active areas of research adopting recent advances in AI and have shown many successful applications in various tasks including organ or lesion segmentation in medical image, disease or lesion quantification, diagnostic support system development and critical event prediction using biomedical signal.
Among many medical field, diagnostic radiology and pathology emerged one of the most promising areas benefited from AI technology due to the large-scale digitalized images, the advance of hardware for parallel processing of ultra-high-volume and high-resolution images, and the state-of-the-art DL models achieving human-level performance on various diagnostic tasks.
In this talk, some of the successful applications of a data-driven approach to precision imaging which improve consistency, scalability and the quality of diagnostic radiology and pathology will be introduced. These will help solving existing problems of subjectivity and variability owing to the dependency on the individual experience and domain knowledge. Some existing studies and our experience of applying AI for morphological analysis, diagnostic support, and data-driven biomarker discovery will also be introduced. Lastly, common challenges when we implement AI to the workflow of digital pathology will be discussed.

* CV
  2015.1 – Present: Cofounder and CTO VUNO Inc.
  2019.3 – Present: Director of Industry Korean Society of Imaging Informatics in Medicine
  2014.3 – 2014.12: Research Staff Member Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Samsung Electronics
  2011.10 – 2014.2: Manager Institute of Platform Technology, SK Planet
  2011.1 – 2011.9: Manager, Institute of Platform Technology, SK Telecom
  2010.9 – 2010.12: Post-doctoral Researcher Institute of Futuristic Mechanical Technology,  POSTECH



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